Blogs for Deeper Connetion
4 ways to create more intimacy in less than 5 minutes
4 ways to create more intimacy in less than 5 minutes It’s easy to get into habits that leave us feeling disconnected from our partners. Life is fast and there is always so much to attend to. Our partners are often the last on our radar. Here are 4 simple...
The 5 best tips for Sexual Intimacy 2022
The 5 best tips for Sexual Intimacy 2022 If there is one thing we can take away from 2021 it’s that we have plenty of room for improving our sexual intimacy. The Natsal-Covid study reported that 78% of cohabiting couples saw a change in their sex lives, for the...
Intimately Impoverished: The Stigma of Sexless Marriages
There’s a silent stigma lurking in the relational realm. I’m talking about sexless marriages. There are empowering steps that can be taken towards healing the divide in your relationship.
What to do when you feel disconnected from your partner
Disconnection definition*: 1. To sever or interrupt the connection of or between two things 2. To shut off the current in by removing its connection to a power source Both of these definitions of disconnection apply to what every couple experiences at various...
How do you ‘enroll’ your partner to ‘do the work’ with you?
The million dollar question that every relationship coach is confronted with: "How do you 'enroll' your partner to 'do the work' with you and be excited about growing in the relationship?" The Motivation to Do the Work I recently stumbled upon a Facebook post by Ken...
3 Ideas to Rekindle Your Lockdown Romantic Relationships
Lockdown has been kryptonite to many relationships and general wellbeing. It has taken its toll on nearly every facet of our lives and unfortunately our romantic partnerships have not been immune to its powers. Not only are more couples living on top of each...
You can’t make me cum and the orgasm deficit
There’s this thing called orgasm deficit. I don’t even actually like talking about it. If you can’t work out by its name what it’s about, it’s basically how in sexual encounters men tend to have more orgasms than their female partners. FIrstly, I think it is important...